Hi, there
I’m Eugene Cozac
Senior Front End Engineer (React.js/Next.js/Node.js)
11 years of development experience, working on multiple complex web applications (SPA, SSR) using React.js and Next.js, with various combinations of tech stacks such as Headless CMS, SWR, SocketIO, TanStack, A11y, and Redux. For the past 4 years, I have predominantly led projects, created architectures, conducted demos, and served as a key developer. I have also assisted in conducting interviews and helped teams to eliminate technical debt. Used GraphQL (queries and mutations) in Next.js and React.js applications and participated in migrations from RESTful API to GraphQL and vice versa,

About my experience
Developed various Next.js web applications (including version 14) with Server Components, custom authorization, and NextAuth. Utilized headless CMS solutions such as Prismic, Sanity, Contentful, and implemented internationalization with the i18next framework. I have experience working with Next.js versions 11 through 15. Additionally, I optimized server-side rendering (SSR), validated caches, and optimized data. Utilized Babel.js for transpilation, along with ESLint and Prettier for code linting and formatting, respectively. Implemented Vite for fast and efficient build processes and Husky to manage Git hooks, ensuring clean, professional, and maintainable code;
Tailwind CSS, Material UI
My Education & Experience
Created various SPAs using React.js for both small and large companies, ranging from simple apps to projects with complex architecture and numerous custom npm packages, functionalities, and hooks. Over the past 5 years, I have utilized a diverse React.js tech stack, from Class Components, CRA, Yup, ContextAPI, React Router to TypeScript, hooks, Vite, Zod, Quill, shadcn/ui, Jotai, ReduxToolkit, and TanStack. Experienced in utilizing various UI libraries such as Tailwind, MaterialUI, Radix, Bootstrap, and shadcn/ui. Proficient in styling techniques including CSS Modules, SASS, and styled-components. For most of the apps, I used Jest or Vitest with React Testing Library for unit and integration testing. Additionally, I have experience with E2E testing using Cypress.
My Skills Areas
Solid experience building full-stack web applications from scratch using Node.js and Express.js, along with various tools such as Nodemon, Winston, Axios, JWT, and Passport.js. Proficient in working with both relational and non-relational databases, including PostgreSQL and MongoDB, and using ORMs like Mongoose, Prisma, Sequelize, and TypeORM;
Past Experience
With over 7 years of deep expertise in JavaScript, including frameworks and libraries like React, Next.js, and Node.js, and more than 11 years of comprehensive experience in web development, I have consistently delivered innovative and high-performance web applications.
For server-side rendering (SSR), I leveraged Next.js, including Next 14, to enhance the internal framework with NextAuth for authentication, Headless CMS integrations like Strapi and Contentful, and internationalization using i18next, all optimized for Vercel deployment.
I've built over two dozen SPAs with ReactJS, utilizing technologies like TanStack Query, React Router, SWR, and ContextAPI. I’ve also integrated tools like Storybook, Formik, and Vite, while implementing advanced features such as Lazy Loading, Suspense, Concurrent Rendering, and A11y best practices.
I've worked extensively with Node.js, using Express.js, Prisma, and Sequelize for backend development, implementing JWT for authentication, and leveraging Mongoose and Apollo Server for database and API integration.
Contact with me
You can easily drop me an e-mail or just send a phone message.
Get in touch
Greenwich, SE9 6FS
London, UK